How to Dress for a Winter Engagement Session



Obviously, winter is cold. And here in the northeast, I mean COLD. So those flowy sundresses you’ve saved to your engagement session pinterest board might not work out. But never fear! You can look picture perfect while still being all bundled up. Here are some tips, tricks, and a little inspiration for looking your best.



Keep it neutral


Think blacks, grays, and oatmeals. There’s no green grass you have to stand out against in December. Winter is the time for keeping it simple and classic. It’s best to compliment the winter colors rather than try to stick out against them.


Pile on the layers

There’s nothing worse than shivering while trying to look your best. But on top of the functionality, it gives you a chance to look amazing while mixing rich textures. Knit sweaters, wool coats, and corduroy pants all compliment each other perfectly.


Don’t be afraid to go casual

I know I just mentioned all those fancy fabrics, but there’s no time like wintertime to break out your favorite pair of jeans. And one of the most important things I always tell clients at their engagement session is that if you feel comfortable, you’ll look comfortable.


Need more ideas? Here’s some inspiration:

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